Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses

I was just logged into Ravelry looking at my completed projects, and I came to the realization that I REALLY like pink. With a exception of the brown shrug I made for my first project, everything has some sort of pink worked into it. Apparently, I have yet to discover other parts of the color spectrum! So I think that I will ban pink from future projects for awhile, maybe until my birthday in March.

I don't exactly remember where I read it, but I read a blog where this girl would buy sweaters or other knit items that were on sale in stores, and unravel it to use the yarn for another project! Genius! Why didn't I think of this?! I am contemplating sneaking into my mom's closet and stealing some of her ugliest sweaters (none are pink!) to take apart and use for my own projects... maybe I can make her something less ugly, haha. Talk about being green and recycling!